

Revolutionizing The Way
Students And Instructors Connect

One App for Your Entire
Driving Journey

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Instantly book driving
lessons right through the app

Rate, review and choose
your driving instructor

Make payments easily and
securely in the app


Become an Instructor With DriverX

Low booking fees cut of 10% (equivalent to $4)

DriverX connects students with instructors in their area

Grant your students access to our BDE ministry approved course

Simplify student payments via cash, online, or our app

Bring your own students to DriverX and earn 50% commission on every BDE package purchased

Its So Easy Becoming an Instructor With DriverX

Signup online today or enter your contact information and we will get in touch to get you started

A Look Inside the DriverX App

Our Cutting Edge Online Begginers Driver Education Course


Simple and Easy Online Payment Using the DriverX Mobile App

Purchase our MTO approved BDE course right through the app. Easily take this completely online course from the comfort of your home.

Designed with student’s learning in mind, our innovative course teaches students the fundamentals of driving education and encourages interaction and participation.

Use the DriverX app to book the mandatory 10 hours of driving lessons. Each driving lesson is tracked within the DriverX app allowing you to monitor your progress towards earning your certificate.

Take advantage of our cutting edge online driversed course, upon completion of course get license early and cheaper insurance

Benefits of Completing
Our MTO Approved BDE Course

Become eligible for a discount on your car insurance

Get MTO certified

Fast track your G2 road test

Download DriverX App Today

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